
Surviving and Thriving during a deployment takes WORK! We are going through some really great tips working in small groups through a prepared list based on TIPS! Which we can be reminded by with our super cool word magnets!

We enjoy this sharing time because its always fun to hear what other ladies do and be challenged by the Chaplain. The time goes by so fast! is fun! It truly has been refreshing the last couple weeks! And tonight... a M&M game!!

#1 Hang Tough- everyone is different, but we have all had our moments. The point is to function through it and realize coping and dealing is a process! A process that CAN have an ending point!

#2 Stay Busy- the good kind of busy that helps you grow and that helps your mind not to wander

#3 Call on Friend- As a girl, I am sure we can relate with the importance of this tip! Everyone needs encouragement, a listening ear, a friend to do things with, cry and laugh with, sympathize and just be there in any capacity that is called for at the moment. And that is why choosing our friends to be someone who is going to look after our well being as much as theirs is an essential character for our friends!
What do you look for in a friend? Do you have a friend here in Ft Bragg that you can turn to for help?

Don't forget to utilize Army services, counselors, chaplains, and if you have pastors or church leaderships.

Have a great week my friends! Plan a playdate this week!! Maybe even make a weekend pizza/popcorn and movie plans with another friend for the weekend!

#4 Remember your Promises

Think back to your wedding vows! Does a smile across your face? Can you visualize that handsome man?! Can you believe it? Such love and outward display of commitment! Can you remember your vows? What about those words encourages you? What about those word that you said and meant helps you get through the hardships? Can you recommit to to those words daily? How about this week!!
"I________, take you____________, to be my wife/husband. To share the good times and the hard times side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed."

#5 Throw a Pity Party

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